Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I have some catching up to do with actually posting what is going on in the Catholic Church in my area. So far so good. Could it be that things are happening because the faithful are stepping up and speaking out? I believe so. As all Catholics should know, December the 8th is the feast day of the Immaculate Conception. I have put a link so that those who have an interest, be you Catholic or Non, can enlighten or re-enlighten themselves to the truth of the doctrine. Immaculate Conception

I attended the 8:00AM Mass that morning, all the children were there from 1st to 6th grade and as I watched the children I thought of

Luke 18 verse 17

Amen, I say to you: Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a child, shall not enter into it

After so many years of searching for the True Church, albeit slow, it is coming back. The Sign of Peace that we offer to our brothers and sisters in Christ is good but has gotten somewhat out of hand with people crossing aisles to shake hands, waving etc. Many people like this gesture and it will remain but be somewhat subdued. Since this immediately precedes the Consecration. Pope Benedict XVI is going to move this ritual to a more appropiate part of the Mass.

My two grandsons serve as altar boys at our local parish and, yes, there is still an occasional girl altar boy. That somehow doesn't fit does it? I hadn't heard the hymn "Holy God We Praise Thy Name" it seems like in at least "umpteen" million years but at the Immaculate Conception Mass the recessional hymn was sang. Music was played on a piano which doesn't do it justice. Fr. K told the boys that he was going to move the organ back into the Church.

There are many of us out there but, unfortunately, not everyone uses a computer to get the word out. There is something we can all do, we can be a witness to the faith by giving good example no matter where we find ourselves. Don't hide the Light that is in us, let it shine.


EC Gefroh said...

Ruth, I wish our diocese would think about just having altar boys. I think we would help nurture more vocations to the priesthood.
Hope you are having a pleasant Sunday.

Ruth said...

I agree Esther, to nurture vocations to the priesthood was what it was all about. Unfortunately, we are so messed up in confusion now that perhaps there are some with the thought that we will have a female priest yet. I sure hope not, enough has gone awry. I am still doing what I can as I know you are. Maybe in our lifetime it will not go back to what it was but we have the promise of Christ that the Church will prevail. I am having a pleasant Sunday but it is cold and raining. Thanks for coming Esther and commenting. It's one of the ways that we can get the "Word" out there.

EC Gefroh said...

It's raining here too. :-)

BTW, you're right about getting the Word out there.