Download a MIDI of this hymn
1. O Lord, I am not worthy
That Thou should'st come to me,
But speak the words of comfort,
My spirit healed shall be.
2. Oh, come, all you who labor
In sorrow and in pain,
Come, eat This Bread from heaven;
Thy peace and strength regain.
3. O Jesus, we adore Thee,
Our Victim and our Priest,
Whose precious Blood and Body
Become our sacred Feast.
4. O Sacrament most holy,
O Sacrament divine!
All praise and all thanksgiving
Be ev'ry moment Thine.
Ruth, I think that is one of the most beautiful hymns we have.
I do too Esther, it took a little bit of searching to find it. Wish I could find one that is not using a Midi. We are receiving the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Divine Savior and many are receiving without recognizing that.
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I am playing the hymns on the organ. We will be adding them sung by a choir as well. See O Lord, I Am Not Worthy and O Sacrament, Most Holy for sure.
Noel Jones, AAGO
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